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current participants

Thomas Coates

Lincoln University Bachelor of Agricultural Science.

Working at Valetta Pastures for Reuben & Jaden Christian.

Thomas has a wide range of agricultural experience on many different farming systems including dairy, deer and sheep and beef.

He hopes to gain insight from leading farms and professionals to grow his career in the dairy industry.

Sam Back

Lincoln University Bachelor of Agricultural Science (Hons).

Working at Dialan Dairy #1 for Daniel & Casley Reynolds.

Sam has grown up on dairy farms in Canterbury and Taranaki, gaining practical experience from an early age.

Sam believes participating in the GDMGP will give him the best chance at achieving his goal of getting into the dairy industry and help grow his skills and knowledge.

Rebecca Kinney

Lincoln University Bachelor of Agriculture.

Working at Grovan Pastures for Henry & Ashlea Norris.

Rebecca grew up on a sheep and beef property but has worked dairy farming part time for the past two years.

She hopes GDMGP will assist her in developing skills for her dairy career in the future

Megan Maslin

Lincoln University Bachelor of Agriculture.

Working at Clearbrook Farm for Campbell & Martine Tait.

Megan has grown up on a dairy farm in Gore, and before attending Lincoln University took a gap year working full time as a Farm Assistant on a dairy farm.

Megan is very keen to network and meet other like-minded Graduates who are just as passionate about the dairy industry and learn as much as possible from the modules.

Maddie Lynch

Massey University Bachelor of Agricultural Science.

Working at Singletree Dairies for Will & Kim Grayling.

Maddie did not grow up on a farm but has gained some experience working for LIC as a Herd Test Assist during her holidays.

Maddie is hoping to gain vital skills and knowledge to build on what she has already learnt at University. She hopes to be able to take that knowledge into the industry to make a difference.

Conor Attril-Mundt

Massey University Bachelor of Agriculture Business (Farm Management).

Working at Barnscroft Dairy for Steve & Rosie Ketter.

Conor has previous experience working on a family dairy farm, as well as other dairy, sheep and beef farms during holidays.

He hopes to gain the tools necessary to be a Manager and eventually go managing and share milking, before returning to run the family farm.

Brady Ballard

Telford Certificate of Agriculture & Diploma of Rural Veterinary Technician, Lincoln University Diploma of Agriculture & Farm Management.

Working at A K Dean Ltd for Karl & Amie Dean.

Brady grew up on a dairy farm in Whangarei and has worked on various farm systems each holiday break.

Brady hopes to gain a network of industry connections through the GDGMP, and relate his university studies to his role on farm.

Alexis Miller

Canterbury University Bachelor of Criminal Justice.

Working at Valetta Pastures for Reuben & Jaden Christian.

Alexis worked on dairy farms over summer holidays whilst studying before taking on a full time Herd Manager Role at the start of 2022.

Through participating in the GDMGP, Alexis hopes she is exposed to teachings that will help her further her dairy farming career.